
The Women’s Business Center at Cornerstone Alliance is launching a new opportunity for startup and established businesses.

The inaugural Business Plan certification program, set to begin in January 2025, is geared for women or anyone at a economical disadvantage with their business plan.

Manager of WBC Chrissy Meeks tells us this six-month course will help grow and set your business plan apart from the rest.

“There’s that opportunity to really learn a lot about that, learn about the economy, and how they can really grow in our area and make a huge impact in our local community,” Meeks says. 

The program will teach entrepreneurs how to develop a robust business plan, conduct thorough market research, and implement effective marketing and financial strategies. It will also feature workshops, one-on-one counseling, and most importantly a certification upon graduation.

“The benefit about this is technically this is free,” Meeks says. “All we’re asking everybody to do is bring a $100 deposit that is going to go into a credit building account. Or if they’re already in business, it’ll go into a credit repair account, if they choose. That’ll benefit them if they’re looking for funding down the road.”

Those interested need to sign up by Jan. 15 for a mandatory orientation. You can sign up online. Any other questions regarding the certification course can be sent to Meek at cmeek@cstonealliance.org.