
State Representative Pauline Wendzel says she’s relieved and honored to have been reelected this week.

The 39th District Republican will now begin her third term in the Michigan House. Why does she think Republicans fared so well this week?

I think people are just hurting,” Wendzel said. “I think the pocketbooks are hurting. We all know the cost of groceries, gas, just all around daily life has just skyrocketed. And I think they’re at a breaking point. I know I am. And they came out to the polls and they spoke to that. Now it’s our job at the state level and at the federal level to help to get out there and put as much money back into the pocketbooks as possible.”

Wendzel says that will be job number one. She’s also planning to work on energy policy in the coming two years, something that she says will further help reduce costs for people.

Wendzel says the two political parties will have no choice but to work together moving forward, something she says hasn’t been happening under total Democratic control the last two years. She also expects a “wild” lame duck session.