
There’s a new sculpture on display in one of the large windows at the Richard Hunt Studio Center in Benton Harbor.

The Hunt studio, at 258 Territorial Road, was left to the Krasl Art Center by Hunt when he died last year. However, Krasl won’t actually take on ownership until the spring. Richard Hunt Studio coordinator Vaughn Sims tells us in the meantime, he and the Krasl’s Tami Fauver wanted to install something there to liven it up and get people talking. That’s when they approached Berrien Springs artist Joy Bradley about installing a piece there.

As the coordinator, there’s been several people asking me what’s going on with the studio space,” Sims said. “They haven’t seen any motion in the studio space. So we just thought that it would be a good idea to place something there for the community to not necessarily interact with, but be able to take pictures outside of the studio and just have something nice to take a look at while they’re doing their strolls.”

The new piece, Free Mind, was installed Friday with the studio holding a reception. Sims says the sculpture resembles a butterfly, but it also invokes images of a bird or a dragon. He says a lot of viewers interpret it their way.

The piece will be lit up at night throughout the fall so people have something inspiring to view as they pass by.

Meanwhile, Sims says the Krasl is working on a five-year master plan for the Hunt studio once it passes from the Richard Hunt estate to the art center.

You can learn more about the Richard Hunt Studio Center at its Facebook page.