
Three men have been caught allegedly trying to get into the U.S. by raft from Canada.

According to Port Huron police, the U.S. Coast Guard alerted its department Monday of three Hispanic men crossing the St. Clair River on a raft. The men left their raft near the mouth of the Black River and started running on Michigan Street near Grand River. Police say they were carrying duffel bags.

Port Huron Assistant Police Chief Jeremy Young says his department doesn’t often field calls like this.

We don’t deal with it a lot,” Young said. “We have a large presence of U.S. Border Patrol in the area. I don’t know how often something like this occurs. We’ve had calls in the past, but it’s not very common for us to receive calls.”

The men were detained and handed over to U.S. Border Patrol for illegal entry to the U.S. They’ve been identified as Mexican citizens.