
Those who run marijuana dispensaries in Michigan aren’t happy with a proposal by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to raise taxes on their products to pay to fix the roads.

Whitmer’s proposed wholesale tax would be 32% on marijuana. The manager of Sky Mint Cannabis in Flint, Casey Gonzalez, says it’s a bad idea and people might go to Ohio, where the marijuana tax is 10%.

They might,” Gonzalez said. “I mean, if their taxes are cheaper in Ohio, people might actually travel down to Ohio rather than staying in Michigan, which I mean, is very , very detrimental to the entire industry here.”

Gonzalez says a 32% marijuana tax here could put some dispensaries out of business.

Oh, absolutely. Especially the little tiny mom-ish pop shops that just have one location.”

Whitmer wants to raise $470 million per year with the marijuana tax to fix the roads.