
As January is recognized as radon action month, the Berrien County Health Department is encouraging residents to stay vigilant about the dangers of radon.

BCHD health inspector Brian Murphy tells us radon is an invisible, odorless radioactive gas that can be found in homes, and is the second leading cause of cancer in the U.S.

“Michigan is above average for radon levels compared to the rest of the United States,” Murphy says. “One out of four homes in Michigan have been tested for elevated radon levels. So it’s really important to test. That’s the only way you’re going to find out if you do have those elevated radon levels.”

Throughout the entire month, the BCHD is offering a free radon testing kit, one per household. Murphy says because you can’t see it, testing is the only way to determine if radon levels are at an actionable level.

“Radon doesn’t discriminate on homes,” Murphy says. “It’s present in new homes, older homes, and levels vary from one house to another. So if your neighbor’s tested low for radon, doesn’t mean your home is gonna be low. So really important to test to make sure, you know, you have those levels below for people readers.”

Testing kits may be picked up at BCHD’s offices in Benton Harbor and Niles during open business hours.