
You found the perfect holiday gift online and ordered it. A notification then arrives on your phone, showing the package had arrived, but when you get home, the parcel is nowhere to be found.

If this has happened to you, then you’ve victim to package thefts — or porch piracy. Amazon spokesperson Alisa Carroll has some thoughts.

It’s not unique to Amazon and there are other delivery providers out there,” Carroll said. “So we’re just grateful that customers are reporting it to police. I think that’s really important to remind [people] that it is a crime. So be sure to contact your police department, but then also call Amazon customer service so that we can address the issue with our customers in real time.”

Product research company The Chamber of Commerce found that 26% of consumers have been victims of package theft.

Carroll says you can combat porch pirates by getting a doorbell with a camera in it. You can also send a message to your delivery driver to pick a hidden drop-off location at your house to keep your packages safe.