The Van Buren County Road Commission is inviting everyone to vote in its new plow art contest.
Commission Managing Director Bret Witkowski tells us they set aside seven plow blades for high school students to paint.
“We reached out to the schools in May and asked if they’d like to be part of a contest, the plows that we put in parades and obviously will get used when there’s heavy snow,” Witkowski said.
The road commission invited the art class students to paint the plows with the theme of “community pride” in mind.
“Most of them, they paint them in the colors of their school, their school colors, which I thought was really cool. And it’s been pretty fun watching people coming up and already looking at them because word’s gotten out that where they’re at and they’re easy to see at the road commission. So we’re pretty excited about it.
The plows are now on display outside of the road commission’s office in Lawrence. Witkowski says the public can vote on their favorites, and the winning art class will get a pizza party. Voting started on Tuesday morning and will continue through November the end of Sunday.
You can cast your own vote by checking out the Facebook page of the Van Buren County Road Commission.