
A new investigation is looking into the amount of freebies given to lawmakers by lobbyists.

Eye on Michigan, a student investigative reporting program, looked into the past two decades of gifts to lawmakers. What reporter Lily Guiney found was a lot of blind spots in the law.

There’s not a lot in the way of transparency, oversight requirements to make sure that when lobbyists are making contributions to lawmakers in these sort of tacit ways, there’s no real way to know just how much is being spent,” Guiney said.

Lobbyists spent more than $6.3 million on state lawmakers over the past 23 years. However, not every transaction was logged, which makes it impossible to find the real and higher number that was spent.

There is one change, though. This year a new law went into effect that requires lawmakers to report when they receive a gift and not just blindly relying on lobbyist reporting.