
The Berrien County Veterans Services Office held its Military Veterans Stand Down event on Friday in Benton Harbor.

Berrien County Veterans Services Director Maureen Adams tells us it was a success, attracting veterans from all over the county so they could learn more about services and mingle.

They originally were designed for homeless veterans and kind of became a big community event so that veterans can find out what resources are available to them,” Adams said.

The event included vendors like Meals on Wheels and Lake Michigan College. Adams said she wants veterans to know they can ask questions if they need help.

We’ve got of course the VA here to help them with enrollment, My Healthy Vet, that kind of stuff. You’ve got your county veteran service officers to help you do all your like benefit claims. And then we have a ton of community vendors out here. Everything from Meals on Wheels to Veteran Employment Services. A lot of community vendors to let veterans know they’re here to help.”

Adams said in the future they may pivot the event to a festival where veterans can bring their families and kids.