
The Berrien County Board of Commissioners has saluted the county’s parks staff and lifeguards.

At a Thursday meeting, Berrien County Parks Director Jill Adams told commissioners former Parks Director Brian Bailey used to always say parks are about people, and she’s found that to be true.

Mother Nature provides us with amazing outdoor spaces, but it takes a team of dedicated people to make it accessible and to keep it that way,” Adams said.

Adams said the county has 12 full-time park staff and 68 seasonal staff. She said they represent a diverse range of skills, personalities, and ages.

The county parks team is out there every day. They’re serving our park visitors. They’re maintaining the buildings, the properties, the trails, and often the bridges. These are the folks who bring incredible programming to the parks and invite people of all ages to come out and enjoy our natural history.”

Adams said the county maintains seven parks, totaling 650 acres, and without the staff, they wouldn’t be the world class facilities they are.

Board Chair Mac Elliott said he’d pit the county’s parks system up against any parks system anywhere. Commissioners thanked the staff present as part of Lifeguard Appreciation Day and World Ranger Day.