
How will President Biden’s decision to step aside affect the mood of college-aged voters?

Jenna Bednar, faculty director of U MICH Votes and professor of public policy and political science, says young voters are welcoming the change even though it comes so close to the election.

“We haven’t had something like this since 1968,” Bednar said. “You would think that those of us with longer memories would say, ‘Oh yes, this has precedent.’ But to me, it feels like it’s the younger people who are like, ‘Oh, it’s about time.’ And they don’t have the same kind of worries about changing the top of the ticket at this stage as I’m sensing among older voters.”

Bednar stressed the nominees at the top of the ticket greatly affect the down-ballot races as well. She says enthusiasm for Vice President Harris — if she becomes the nominee — could help swing Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat.