
Ok2SAY, Michigan’s student safety tip service, had its highest incident reporting period ever in 2023.

Michigan State Police say Ok2Say last year saw a 31% increase in reports compared to 2022, with a total of 9,686 tips spanning 30 categories. Ok2say Program administrator Mary Gager Drew tells us the increase of reports has to do with students knowing the program works.

I think part of that is multifold,” Gager Drew said. “One is we have an amazing group of professionals who go out and do presentations in classrooms or school buildings. But I also think it’s a credit to kids and it reinforces that, ‘Hey, this program is working, and I can help make a difference to keep my classmates and my peers safe.’”

The most common tips reported in 2023 were bullying, suicide threats, drugs, and sexual assault or misconduct.

When a tip is submitted to OK2Say, the information is forwarded to the school, police, or other public safety entity.

In Berrien County Lakeshore Public Schools Superintendent Greg Eding says the program has been big help. Anytime that we have programs out that can keep kids safe, I think that’s excellent.”

I think it’s been a great program,” Eding said. “It definitely allows folks to submit something in a very confidential way. 

Both Eding and Gager Drew said the goal of the program is to help. To submit a tip, a student can just text 652729, or OK2Say.