
The Whirlpool Foundation welcomed middle school girls from schools all over Berrien County to Lake Michigan College this week for a technology camp.

Camp Infinity is designed to introduce young girls to technology careers through hands-on activities and learning.

On Tuesday, Whirlpool IT and cyber security employees told camp attendees about different jobs in the tech field. Senior manager in cyber security Lakshmi Gudimella told us she’s glad to see so many girls interested.

The goal is to inspire the young girls to get into a career in technology because women make half of the population, but there are only about 30% women in the workforce,” Gudimella said. “So the goal is to get them interested in technology at a young age and show them what a career in IT might look like and give them the hands-on experience so they can get inspired and pursue a career in technology.”

About 20 girls from across Berrien County will get an experience this week discovering more about how technology works and meeting with professional women and men who work in the tech fields. Gudimella said this is a great way for young girls to get involved with technology as our world continues to advance.

Just understanding how technology impacts day-to-day life. Even if they don’t end up in a career in technology, using all these new technology inventions like artificial intelligence to their advantage and personal productivity is going to be game-changing. That’s the ultimate goal. Inspire them with everything that is possible using technology.”

Camp Infinity is a statewide program of week-long sessions that introduce 5th to 8th-grade girls to computer and internet technologies through hands-on activities. You can lean more right here.