
The South Haven City Council has voted to expand the city’s social district.

Social districts are areas within a community where it’s legal to carry open alcoholic beverages as long as they’re purchased from participating locations and in specially marked containers. The state approved the use of social districts during the pandemic to encourage more outdoor mingling, and the program has proven popular.

At its regular meeting this week, the South Haven City Council did hear from a few residents opposed to expanding the social district. One woman was concerned about allowing alcohol in Dyckman Park.

The proposed expansion of the open area to include Dykeman Park, particularly in the winter, presents a danger to children at the skating rink, who are often left unattended by parents.”

Council member Mary Hosley also opposed the idea.

I did not support this extending into Dyckman Park,” Hosley said. “I thought that Dyckman Park should have remained alcohol free as all our parks are, that if they needed to use the restroom, they could find someone to hang on to the drink. I also do not appreciate the drinking occurring in the parking lot.”

However, the council had already approved that change and was merely updating its ordinance to put it on the books. Therefore, Onuki voted yes.

The council’s action expands the social district to include Dyckman Park, the Dyckman Park restrooms, the Huron Street Pavilion, and the Huron Street Parking Lot, among other areas. The lone vote in opposition to the ordinance change was from Mary Hosley.